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Everyone there is very nice and its quite calming to go there than regular dentists. They are not like other dentists. Whenever I go to different dentists I feel scared but when I go here I don't feel scared. They don't rush me or make me feel like I need to go right away. Every doctor/nurse I've met there is super kind and they really helped my teeth get better. If you need braces then I reconmend this dentist for you. They are nice, make sure you don't get hurt, and treat you good. For exemple when I got my braces it didn't hurt. I didn't even notice until it was over. My teeth is quite good now and I owe it all to them. So thank you so much for making my teeth better!

This place has super nice dentists and doctors. When I got my braces I didn't even notice because they made sure I didn't get hurt and that I was comfortable. Usually when I go to different dentists I feel scared and nervous but when I go there I feel calm. My teeth wasn't very good but now they straightened it and it looks way better. I thank my straight teeth all to this dentist and definitely recommend this. It is good for people who needs straight teeth and stuff like that. Also my brother has been to this dentist for a while now and he is done with his braces. His teeth got a whole lot better and he thanks them for that.

This orthodontics is so good. They truly care about their customers! 100% recommend.

Getting my braces was a very comfortable experience! The dentist are very nice to you.